Funding / Real Estate
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Graduate scheme

We’re passionate about inspiring the next generation into the real estate industry.

At Octopus Real Estate, we offer a graduate scheme that allows people to work in exciting and varied placements across our fund management business, while studying for an industry-leading qualification.

Applications for our 2025 intake are now closed.

Meet our graduates

Imogen Howell

Imogen Howell

University of Nottingham
My experience at Octopus Real Estate has been fantastic. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to gain experience across debt and equity funds in a working environment that encourages curiosity and gives graduates responsibility from the outset.
George Loder

George Loder

University of Bath
Throughout my graduate rotations I have been trusted and encouraged to explore individual projects and ideas. I have felt like a valued member of each team. Having known little about the industry when I started, I feel I have gained a breadth of real estate fund management experience across the specialist sectors that Octopus operates in.
Anna Djuardin

Anna Djuardin

University of Edinburgh
My first year on the Octopus Real Estate graduate scheme has been incredibly rewarding. I was attracted to Octopus for its commitment to impact investing and its values that prioritise its people, social impact, and the planet. The rotational structure has given me valuable experience across various asset classes, including care homes, affordable housing, and natural capital and provided me with exposure to both equity and debt. This experience, coupled with the opportunity to work towards an industry-leading qualification provides a well-structured early career path, with diverse opportunities.
Zoe Thompson

Zoe Thompson

Coventry University
I was drawn to the Octopus Real Estate programme because it offered a unique opportunity to complete an industry-leading qualification that would allow me to enhance my educational understanding of the real estate industry — an experience I couldn’t pass up. The company’s values truly resonated with me, and being a B-Corp added an extra layer of appeal. Octopus is not just a place to work; it’s a fantastic environment for learning and gaining diverse experience. The rotational structure, combined with colleagues from various backgrounds, creates an enriching atmosphere that fosters growth and knowledge sharing.
Lucy Jones

Lucy Jones

University of Bath
I was initially attracted to Octopus Real Estate for its B-Corp status and genuine commitment to impact investing, offering the opportunity to contribute towards positive social, economic and environmental change within the built environment. I was also drawn to the rotational nature of the scheme, enabling me to gain a broad range of practical experience, as well as the opportunity to study towards an industry-leading qualification, both of which have been invaluable to my career development. I am pleased to say that I have found Octopus Real Estate a really positive, supportive and exciting working environment!
Camille Duquenne

Camille Duquenne

I was first attracted to Octopus Real Estate because it focuses on impact investing and its dedication to positive change in the real asset investment sector. Having recently graduated, I believe that the ability to rotate across different specialised funds is an exceptional opportunity to develop my skills and industry knowledge. Octopus Real Estate is a great place to learn alongside specialists in a positive and diverse environment.
Leah Dhulst

Leah Dhulst

I was drawn to Octopus Real Estate because it offers the chance to use real estate as a catalyst for positive change, whilst providing access to deep industry knowledge and valuable professional certifications. I’m pleased to say that I have found Octopus Real Estate to stay true to its core values and foster a supportive environment for learning and development.